What age group is Flat Stanley?

What age group is Flat Stanley?

What age group is Flat Stanley?

Flat Stanley Adventure Series 8 Books Collection – Age 7-9 – Paperback – Jeff Brown.

What does Flat Stanley teach us?

Flat Stanley is only the most fun, well-traveled, and interesting guy around. He is the subject of many books and adventures. He has graced many homes, mailboxes, and classrooms all around the world. He is a great teacher of reading, writing, and geography…. and he is the perfect HOMESCHOOL PROJECT!

What is the summary of Flat Stanley?

The book recounts the adventures of Stanley Lambchop after he is squashed flat by a bulletin board while sleeping. He survives and decides to make the best of being flat. Soon, he discovers that he is able to enter locked rooms by sliding under the door.

What do you do with a Flat Stanley?

The 10 Best Ways to Entertain Flat Stanley [in Style]

  1. Take extraORDINARY Pictures.
  2. Play Tourist in Your Own City.
  3. Stay in Touch with Stanley’s Owner or Buddy.
  4. Send Souvenirs to Stanley’s Owner or Buddy.
  5. Send Mementos to Stanley’s Class.
  6. Dress Stanley Up for the Return Trip [By Making Him a Tourist T-Shirt]

What grade is Flat Stanley for?

Flat Stanley Chapter Books Grades 3-5 by Jeff Brown.

What letter level is Flat Stanley?

Level 2
™ Level 2 – Flat Stanley: Flat Stanley and the Bees.

How do you play Flat Stanley?

The person receiving the Flat Stanley is asked to take a picture with the cut-out doll and to send a letter back, either via email or regular mail, to the student recounting Flat Stanley’s adventures along with the accompanying photo. The student then shares the photo and letter with their class.

How thick is Flat Stanley?

½ an inch thick
He’s not injured, but his body’s dimensions change. According to the doctor’s measurements, he’s now 4 feet tall, 1 foot wide and ½ an inch thick.

How do you take a picture with a Flat Stanley?

You may also want to use your digital camera’s zoom feature to ensure that Flat Stanley isn’t too far away. The closer you are to his half-inch-thick frame, the better your shot will be. When photographing Flat Stanley with other people, have them hold his hands or torso to help keep him in an upright position.

How do you use Flat Stanley in the classroom?

Each student designs a card and writes a thank you note to each person who sent them a Flat Stanley (some students created more cards than others). Again, we would address the envelopes and send them out. This hands-on learning activity is a powerful way to engage your students in learning about the world around them.

How do I start the Flat Stanley Project?

Check out my YouTube video that walks through all the steps of The Flat Stanley Project! We start our project by reading Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. It is a fairly short chapter book. We share it together as a class read-aloud and discuss Stanley’s many adventures. After we finished reading the book, I send home letters with my students.

Can I Send my Flat Stanley or flat Stella to another child?

Once their Flat Stanley or Flat Stella is complete then your child will take this Flat Stanley around with him or her, snap a few pictures to send of their adventure and fill out the printable activity pack. You will both mail your Flat Stanley or Flat Stella to another child in another state.

What should I write to my Flat Stanley recipients?

Then students write letters to their Flat Stanley recipients. We discuss what information should be included in the letter. In their envelopes, I also have them include a letter from me and a fact sheet to fill out about the location Stanley is visiting. And don’t forget to put Stanley in the envelope!