How do I change the number of decimal places on my BA II PLUS?
To change the number of decimal places that appear on your TI BA II Plus, follow these steps:
- Press the 2nd button.
- Next press the . key.
- Finally, press one of the number keys (0 – 9) to set the number of decimals places you want displayed, followed by ENTER.
How do you add decimal places on a financial calculator?
To change to four decimal places, press the 4 key followed by the ENTER key. To change the number of decimal places with the HP 10BII, press the Shift key (the key with the yellow square on it), followed by the DISP key (the = key), followed by the 4 key.
How many decimal places should be displayed on your calculator quizlet?
Most real estate exams compute math problems by rounding to 3 decimal places. We recommend that you set your calculator to 3 decimals.
How many significant figures are there in the measured quantity 0.670 mg?
Zeros at the end of a large number are NOT significant, though often ambiguous. 0.67 has 2 sigfigs while 0.670 has 3 sigfigs Zeros written at the end of a number AFTER the decimal point ARE significant.
How many significant figures are in each measurement?
The rules below can be used to determine the number of significant figures reported in a measured number. Rule 1: All nonzero digits in a measurement are significant. 237 has three significant figures. 1.897 has four significant figures.
Can you change decimal places on a BA II Plus calculator?
When it comes to financial calculators, BA II rules. It is very popular and easy to use. Most of the basic functions are right there. You will be able to understand them easily and start using the calculator with ease. However, we have noticed that many people face a problem when it comes to changing decimal places on a BA II Plus.
What are the recommended settings for the BA II Plus exam?
BA II Plus Calculator – 3 Recommended Settings For CFA Exams1) Increase To 9 Decimal Places2) Set The Period Per Year To 13) Use Algebraic Operating System (AOS) Instead of Chain Method (CHN) 1 Increase To 9 Decimal Places 2 Set The Period Per Year To 1 3 Use Algebraic Operating System (AOS) Instead of Chain Method (CHN) More
What is the default operating system for BA II Plus calculator?
Recent BA II Plus calculators have 1 as default, however much older models have a default of 12. So worth checking just in case. Screen should show ‘AOS’. If not just repeat the keystrokes. Set your calculation method to Algebraic Operating System (AOS).
What does “Dec” mean on the TI BA II Plus?
This confirms that you are now in the formatting menu for the TI BA II Plus. The “DEC” stands for decimals, and the “2.00” shows that the calculator is currently set to display 2 decimal places (the default for the device). If the decimal place setting has already been changed before, the screen will display the current setting.