How do I update my vagrant box?

How do I update my vagrant box?

How do I update my vagrant box?

Finally, you can update boxes with vagrant box update . This will download and install the new box. This will not magically update running Vagrant environments. If a Vagrant environment is already running, you’ll have to destroy and recreate it to acquire the new updates in the box.

How do I save Vagrantfile?

  1. Snapshot Push. Command: vagrant snapshot push.
  2. Snapshot Pop. Command: vagrant snapshot pop.
  3. Snapshot Save. Command: vagrant snapshot save [vm-name] NAME.
  4. Snapshot Restore. Command: vagrant snapshot restore [vm-name] NAME.
  5. Snapshot List. Command: vagrant snapshot list.
  6. Snapshot Delete.

How do I add a new box to vagrant?

There are three ways to create and upload Vagrant Boxes to Vagrant Cloud….Creating Boxes via the Vagrant Cloud Web Interface

  1. Go to the Create Box page.
  2. Name the box and give it a simple description.
  3. Create your first version for the box.
  4. Create a provider for the box, matching the provider you need locally in Vagrant.

How do I uninstall vagrant box?

Removing an existing Vagrant box:

  1. If your Vagrant box is still running, make sure it is shutdown: vagrant halt.
  2. Execute destroy Vagrant box: vagrant destroy.
  3. Backup the existing Vagrant config file and delete it: cp Vagrantfile Vagrantfile.bak rm Vagrantfile.

How do I know my vagrant version?

Command: vagrant version In order to determine the latest available Vagrant version, this command must make a network call. If you only want to see the currently installed version, use vagrant –version .

How do I find my vagrant box version?

If you want to see all available versions of a box, you will have to find the box on HashiCorp’s Vagrant Cloud. An easy way to find a box is to use the url$USER/$BOX .

How do I backup my vagrant box?

If you want to export and reinstall a homestead box, do it like this:

  1. export the vm with “vagrant package” into
  2. copy that file to another system.
  3. backup your “homestead” folder, so that where you did vagrant ssh in (dont include the .box file you exported.

Where are vagrant snapshots stored?

Without the need for VirtualBox Guest Additions (or other platforms’ equivalent), Vagrant copies the contents of the host’s project directory into the /vagrant directory on the VM – not /home/vagrant , just /vagrant .

Can I have more than one vagrant box?

You can definitely run multiple Vagrant boxes concurrently, as long as their configuration does not clash with one another in some breaking way, e.g. mapping the same network ports on the host, or using same box names/IDs inside the same provider.

Where are vagrant boxes stored?

As mentioned in the docs, boxes are stored at: Mac OS X and Linux: ~/. vagrant.

How do I reset my vagrant?

Reset Vagrant Virtual Machine To Original State

  1. Display username and hostname in Oracle Linux VM. Let us change these values.
  2. Display username and hostname in Oracle Linux.
  3. Verify if a package is installed in Oracle Linux.
  4. Reset vagrant virtual machine to its original state.

Is vagrant dead?

Vagrant is far from dead, but it suffers from a couple of long-lasting issues, including the resource footprint of virtual machines created, the speed of sharing files between the host and virtual machine, and the speed of making configuration changes to virtual machines.