What is human figure drawing in psychology?

What is human figure drawing in psychology?

What is human figure drawing in psychology?

HFD test (Human Figure Drawing) is an abbreviated test which was developed with the aim to evaluate various psychological states, especially assessing the psychic status including psychiatric illness and personality state.

How do you assess a draw person test?

Using a blank piece of paper and a pencil, the seated patient must draw an entire man. The picture is scored by giving one point for the presence of each of the following body parts: head, trunk, right arm, left arm, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right foot, and left foot.

What do you draw in a draw person test?

Draw the picture any way you like, just do the best picture you can.” When the child is done drawing, the picture is scored. It’s a simple process, with little ambiguity. One point is awarded for the “presence and correct quantity” of various body parts, such as head, eyes, mouth, ears, arms and feet.

Who created human figure drawing test?

Florence Goodenough
The original Draw-A-Person test (DAP) was created by Florence Goodenough and later modified by Dale B. Harris. It remains in use as the prominent human figure drawing measure applicable across the life span. Administration time is about 10–15 min.

How do you write a psychological assessment report?


  1. Psychological Assessment Report Guidelines.
  2. Informed Consent.
  3. Reason for Referral.
  4. Relevant Background Information.
  5. Current Mental Status/Behavioural Observations.
  6. Assessment Methods.
  7. Assessment Validity. Presenting Problem.
  8. Psychological Symptoms.

What are examples of psychological tools?

Psychology Tools: A Guide

  • Observation. Observation is a fundamental tool for any science.
  • Experiments. Experiments are fundamental empirical tools in studying psychology or any other science.
  • Four Term Contingency.
  • Cognitive Restructuring.
  • Functional Analysis.
  • NET (Narrative Exposure Therapy)
  • Mindfulness.
  • Case Formulation.