What is the formula for wind speed?

What is the formula for wind speed?

What is the formula for wind speed?

Calculate a miles per hour wind speed in feet per hour, then divide by the number of feet in a knot. For the example wind speed of 100 mph, do as follows: 100 mph x 5,280 feet = 528,000 feet per hour; 528,000 feet per hour/6,080 feet = 86.8 knots.

How do you convert wind speed to mph?

Conversion formulas. Knots to mph and mph to knots

  1. V(knots) = 0.868976 * V(mph)
  2. V(mph) = 1.150779 * V(knots)

What does MS mean for wind?

m/s (meters per second)

How do you convert 3 second gust to basic wind speed?

How to Convert a Three-Second Gust to Basic Wind Speed

  1. Get the 3-second gust speed from the National Weather Service, by going to their website and entering your zip code.
  2. Subtract 20 if the 3-second gust is greater than 90 mph.
  3. Subtract 15 from the result if the 3-second gust is 90 mph or less.

How do you convert wind speed from km/h to MS?

1 m/s = 3.6 km/h = 1.944 knots (2.237 miles per hour)

How much wind is 9 mph?

Beaufort number Description Speed
6 Strong Breeze 25 to 31 mph
7 Near Gale 32 to 38 mph
8 Gale 39 to 46 mph
9 Strong Gale 47 to 54 mph

How do you convert wind speed to wind load?

Armed with pressure and drag data, you can find the wind load using the following formula: force = area x pressure x Cd. Using the example of a flat section of a structure, the area – or length x width – can be set to 1 square foot, resulting in a wind load of 1 x 25.6 x 2 = 51.2 psf for a 100-mph wind.

What does kt mean in wind speed?

In both meteorology and sea and air navigation, a knot is a unit typically used to indicate wind speed. Mathematically, one knot is equal to about 1.15 statute miles. The abbreviation for a knot is “kt” or “kts,” if plural.

What is ASD wind speed?

Vasd = Allowable stress design wind speed applicable to methods specified in Exceptions 4 and 5 of Section 1609.1. 1. V = Basic design wind speeds determined from Figures 1609.3(1) through 1609.3(8). For SI: 1 mile per hour = 0.44 m/s.

What is VASD wind speed?

Vasd= Nominal design wind speed (3-second gust), miles per hour (mph) (km/hr) where applicable. Vult = Ultimate design wind speeds (3-second gust), miles per hour (mph) (km/hr) determined from Figures 1609A, 1609B, or 1609C or ASCE 7.