What was the Southern strategy quizlet?

What was the Southern strategy quizlet?

What was the Southern strategy quizlet?

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.

On what was Republican candidate Richard Nixon’s Southern strategy based quizlet?

Nixon campaign adopts Wallace’s “Southern Strategy” persuasive tactics. He wanted less government intervention, strong leadership, law and order. 5 southern states went for Goldwater, beginning of blue-collar break from Democratic party, Americans began to abandon LBJ and democratic party progressive-liberal platform.

How successful was the British Southern strategy quizlet?

The southern strategy failed because they were looking out to the loyalists to help them, but since the British wouldn’t defend the loyalists from the angry patriots, the loyalists decided not to help the British as payback.

What was Nixon’s Southern strategy and how did he implement it quizlet?

What was Nixon’s Southern strategy and how did he implement it? President Nixon’s attempt to attract the support of southern conservative democrats who were unhappy with federal desegregation policies and the liberal supreme court.

What was the Watergate scandal about quizlet?

A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees. Disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President Nixon to resign in 1974 to avoid impeachment.

What was the British strategy in the early years of the war quizlet?

Describe the British strategy in the early years of the war and explain whether or not it succeeded. The British strategy in the period from 1776 to 1778 was to isolate the New England colonies, where the rebellion was concentrated. They succeeded in the beginning by taking first New York and then Philadelphia.

What are the main arguments that Thomas Paine makes in his pamphlet Common Sense Why was this pamphlet so popular quizlet?

Paine’s brilliant arguments were straightforward. He argued for two main points: (1) independence from England and (2) the creation of a democratic republic. Paine avoided flowery prose. He wrote in the language of the people, often quoting the Bible in his arguments.

In what ways did Nixon abuse his presidential powers during his second term quizlet?

-The president had abused his power when he used the Plumbers, the IRS, FBI, CIA, and other government agencies in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens. -The president had failed to abide by legal House subpoenas.

What was the crime that the Watergate Special Prosecution Force was considering against Richard Nixon quizlet?

1974; a Supreme Court ruling that obliged President Nixon to turn over to the Watergate special prosecutor sixty-four White House audiotapes; these helped prove that Nixon had known about the cover-up of the Watergate burglary.

Why did the British Southern strategy fail?

Cornwallis’s plan to subjugate the South involved turning control of one state after another to loyalists. The strategy failed, however, when patriot militiamen and even civilians attacked and gained control of loyalist strongholds left behind by Cornwallis’s main army.

Why was it difficult for Britain to defeat the colonies quizlet?

Army wasn’t large enough to conquer the land that the 13 Colonies covered-even with the 25% boost to its forces from Hessian soldiers. Almost 1/3 of the British Army was in North America. Additionally, the Hessian troops were unreliable-5,000 deserted.