Why are my thighs so big guy?

Why are my thighs so big guy?

Why are my thighs so big guy?

What Causes Thigh Fat? Genetics is one of the reasons why your legs and thighs have excess fat (7). Using legs less often results in the muscles being inactive, therefore, fat accumulates around the thighs and legs. Other than being less active, thigh fat is also a result of eating junk food that is high in fat.

What is an impressive thigh size?

Your thighs may be considered buff in bodybuilding if they each have a circumference greater than 20 inches. The circumference of a top bodybuilder’s thigh may be greater than 25 inches. Building your quadriceps is the most effective method for developing buff thighs.

Is 22 inch thighs good male?

Based on the previously cited CDC report, medium sized thighs, which is to say the average leg circumference, tends to be around 21 inches in both men and women. In terms of a range, thighs sized between 21 and 23 inches are considered medium by most people.

Are 30 inch thighs big?

30 inch thighs are undeniably big for a female, regardless of the woman’s height and build. What is this? While some of those 30 inches—perhaps even the majority—may well consist of muscle mass, most women (and indeed most men) simply don’t have the genetics to sculpt 30 inch thighs of pure muscle.

Are 32 inch thighs big?

Are 32 inch thighs big? Yes, 32 inch thighs are around 10 inches bigger than average. And that’s for both men and women. Heavy resistance training is one reason why you might have 32 inch legs, especially if you have good lower body genetics.

What is the average size of a man’s thigh?

Based on 2008 anthropometric reference data from the CDC that examined 4,255 participants, the average male thigh size across all ages is 21.2 inches or 53.8 cm. As you might expect, certain groups of men have bigger thighs than others.

How big is the average man’s thigh?

Overall mean thigh circumference was 53.2 cm (54.3 cm for men and 51.5 cm for women). The correlation between hip circumference and thigh circumference among 141 participants was 0.71 (0.82 for men and 0.49 for women).

What’s a normal thigh size?